twhirl Product Overview

Let's talk about twhirl:

If you tried Seesmic and like it's features, you might also want to look into twhirl. In April 2008, Seesmic, Inc. brought twhirl and now Seesmic and twhirl sort of work along side each other. Let's see what twhirl does for its users.

twhirl is a desktop application based on the Adobe AIR platform (If you don't know what Adobe AIR is, there WILL be a review on that in the future) twhirl’s runs on both Windows (2000/XP/Vista) and Mac OSX. It helps you connect to Twitter,, Friendfeed and Seesmic accounts. twhirl even shortens long URLs for you! (how cool is that? :D)

Setting up twhirl

Now if you have other social networks like Facebook, MySpace, or even LinkedIn, twhirl can help you update those services via (I will talk about later on.), if you got loads of pictures you wish to share, twhirl will post images to TwitPic automatically and share it with your Twitter friends :)

twhirl Configuration

twhirl makes configuring extremely easy, you can set how you want twhirl to look, the different notifications, and even the way you connect :D If you like using Seesmic and looking for something smaller and simpler, twhirl would be a great choice! (Keep in mind that since Seesmic do own twhirl, a lot of the functions intertwine with each other but there truly is a lot of things you can still discover on twhirl!)

Try twhirl for yourself!
twhirl download:

Disclaimer: Applications/plug-ins product overview/reviews are in a random order. The order I post them in does NOT equal to how much I like/dislike a product. If I like/dislike an application, I'll let you know in the reviews. Again, these are in random order!


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